Nevermind’s Past
Nevermind started as a 2012 MFA thesis project at USC’s Interactive Media Program, led by industry veteran Erin Reynolds—who returned to academia to pursue new ways to create “positive” games for traditional gaming audiences. After an academic year, Erin and the Nevermind student development team were able to create one fully-functional level—a proof of concept that demonstrated Nevermind’s unique vision and the feasibility of the core technology.
Nevermind has since been featured in numerous festivals and nominated for several awards for innovation and technical achievement, including at IndieCade, Games for Change, SIGGRAPH, Unity Unite Awards, and the Serious Games Showcase and Challenge.
IndieCade 2012
Official Selection
Unity Unite Awards 2012
Finalist: Best Technical Achievement
Finalist: Best Student Project
Games for Change 2013
Finalist: Most Innovative
Serious Games Showcase & Challenge 2012
Student Research Competition Semi-Finalist
Games for Change 2014
Pitch Contest Winner