The Greatest Enemy is the One Inside Your Head…

 is a biofeedback-enhanced adventure thriller game that takes you into the dark and twisted world of the subconscious.

As you explore surreal labyrinths and solve the puzzles of the mind, Nevermind’s biofeedback algorithm will monitor how scared or stressed you may be feeling moment-to-moment. If you let your fears get the best of you, the game will become harder. If you’re able to calm yourself in the face of terror, the game will be more forgiving.

Nevermind strives to create a haunting gameplay experience that also teaches you how to be more aware of your internal responses to stressful situations. If you can learn to control your feelings of anxiety within the disturbing realm of Nevermind, just imagine what you can do when it comes to those inevitable stressful moments in the real world…

Nevermind is available for WindowsMacOculus Rift and HTC Vive.